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Friday, November 20, 2015



Hello guys, it’s Feature Friday! Every Friday I would be sharing a real
life experience and situation of a reader who needs my opinion. If you
have a situation that you need my opinion on, email me on featurefriday@alocovivavoce.com.

the situation and my opinion after the cut. The names have been changed
to protect the identity of the person being featured. Enjoy!

Hello OUR,

name is Irene and my mother-in-law is a torn in my flesh. Right from
the get go, she never liked me but my now husband insisted on marrying
me then probably because I was pregnant and he utterly refused to have a
child outside wedlock.

Fast forward to life after marriage, I
had a baby boy, everything seemed great until my husband lost his job
due to his lackadaisical attitude and I had to resume work when our son
was barely ONE MONTH OLD.

After my husband lost his job, rather
than go out and look for something else to do, he would always go to his
mother’s house (which was a stone throw from ours) with our son.

continued until our son was seven months old and unbeknownst to me,
during these visits, my husband shared all of my personal secrets (which
I confided in him about) with his mother and sister.

Seeing this
as an avenue to finally convince her son against me, his mother grabbed
it and used it to the fullest. She subsequently fed him with a lot of
negativity about me and finally, he succumbed to her and turned against
me; continuously supporting his mother whether or not she was wrong.

day to our one year anniversary, while we were at his mother’s house,
we got into a little squabble of which my husband was obviously wrong
but blatantly refused to apologize for his wrongdoings UNTIL he was
instructed to do so by his mother.

I know it is probably a good
thing that she asked him to apologize to me BUT it made me even more
furious that his mum had to be the one to tell him to apologize before
he did.

That got me really upset and I refused his apology which
in turn got his mother upset and next thing, she ordered her son and her
daughter to take my son away from me and they literally kicked me out
of the house.

This was like a dream! Or a bad Nigerian movie!

the beast came out of me and I believe I must have run mad for a few
minutes. All hell was let loose. I screamed, cried, threw tantrums, all
in the bid for them to release my child to me.

With all proving
abortive, I resulted to screaming out loud that the child wasn’t his and
he needed to give me back MY son. This really wasn’t true as he is
indeed the biological father of our son but I had to say what I had to
say just to get my son back.

Anyway, that finally did the trick
and at about 12AM (midnight), my son was released to me BUT this
occurrence caused a big rift between my husband and I as I just couldn’t
trust him anymore.

My husband in turn apparently was upset with
me because of the way I “spoke to his mother” and he literally bottled
up on his part which eventually made him move in with her.

As I
write to you OUR, it has been SEVEN MONTHS and my husband is still
living with his mother and apparently said he couldn’t care less about
the marriage anymore all because I “crossed the line” with the way I
spoke to his mother.

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