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Saturday, January 06, 2018

Court sentence woman to jail for attempting to sell her 32-day old babies to a certain Lady for #350,000..

A Katsina state Senior Magistrates’ Court has sentenced Salima Lawal pictured below, to 10 months in jail for attempting to sell her 32-day-old twins for N350,000 in December 2017. Salami was arrested while attempting to sell her babies to a certain lady.

Deliverying judgment in the case filed before him by the Katsina state police command, the presiding magistrate, Nuradeen El-Laden, gave Salami an option of N10, 000 fine. He said he gave the nursing mother a light sentence in view of the health of the twins and that of the mother herself. He opined that Salami might have attempted to sell her babies due to financial constrains. 
The magistrate added that Salami who has been in prison custody since her arrest, had shown remorse for her action and has promised never to repeat such an act again
Posted By Red-Eye Blog

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