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Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Cult leader, Eligio Bishop shares braless photos of the new wife he snatched from his follower as they profess love for each other

 A male prostitute turned cult leader has snatched his follower's wife after abandoning his pregnant wife. The cult leader is now flaunting his new wife and they are on social media professing love for each other.
Photos below of braless Eliana;

Sharing braless photos of Mother Eliana (formerly EJ), who is now referred to as the Queen of Carbon Nation, Father Tehuti (as Eligio Bishop is now addressed) said in the  that he was able to receive his queen by vibrating to a higher frequency. He probably said this as a reply to people who are asking where his former wife Pocahontas is and why he took his new wife from his follower, Olmek. Father Tehuti now has three wives who he calls Sister Wives.

Cult leader, Eligio Bishop shares braless photos of the new wife he snatched from his follower as they profess love for each other

Eliana replied to him, saying that she always knew the universe had him in store for her.

Cult leader, Eligio Bishop shares braless photos of the new wife he snatched from his follower as they profess love for each other

Posted By Red-Eye Blog

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